Portland Anchor Newspaper

Our Story:

50 YEARS AGO, the first issue of the Portland Anchor rolled off the press. Its founders were a group of driven Portland activists determined to uplift their neighborhood through sharing stories of strength, beauty, and community. Today, Portland Museum is happy to be the new steward of this cherished forum and we invite you to participate!

Do you have a connection to our lovely neighborhood either past, present, or future? We have a place for you in between our pages.

Submit to the oldest neighborhood newspaper in Louisville, subscribe to have monthly issues delivered to your door, advertise your business in the glory of color, and most importantly– read and share.

Read the Portland Anchor:

Current Issue: January, 2025

Did you know that you can read articles from the Portland Anchor online? It’s true! Follow the link above and check out some of the latest headlines!

Want to keep up with online articles as they roll out? Follow us on:

Subscribe to the Portland Anchor:

Subscriptions can also be paid via check and sent alongside your name and mailing address to P.O. Box 2108 Louisville, KY 40201-2108

Submit to the Portland Anchor:

WE WELCOME all things Portland neighborhood oriented: drawings from kids, poems, essays, interviews, program updates and more!

The Portland Anchor can also add events to our community calendar section and any event advertisements. If your event is free to the public, there is no charge to submit. If it is an event or workshop that has a fee attached, advertising pricing would apply (please see advertising section).

Content for the Portland Anchor may be digitally submitted to the email linked below. Alongside your submission please include your name, address, and phone number. We cannot print copyrighted materials without proper release. All contributor writings that are published will carry the writer’s given name.

Content for the Portland Anchor may be submitted by physical mail to the address listed below. It is helpful if your writings are typewritten or printed clearly. Remember, someone has to be able to read what you have written.

All photographs should have a name and address on the back and should identify the subject in the picture. A self-addressed envelope should be included if you want the photo returned. Please enclose $10.00 for each physical photograph you wish to have published.

Portland Anchor
P.O. Box 2108
Louisville, KY 40201-2108

We reserve the right to edit, reject, or delay the publication of any written materials or photographs.

The content of any article or ad is the responsibility and/or opinion of the writer of same and is not necessarily the opinion of the Portland Anchor and/or its staff.

Advertise in the Portland Anchor:

Ad SizeMeasurement (W” x H”)Rate
1/16 Page2.47″ x 2.37″$25.05
1/8 Page Horizontal4.97″ x 2.37″ $50.10
1/8 Page Vertical2.47″ x 4.75″$50.10
1/4 Page4.97″ x 4.75″$100.20
1/2 Page Vertical4.97″ x 9.517″$200.40
1/2 Page Horizontal9.89″ x 4.75″$200.40
Full Page9.89″ x 10.25″$400.80

Display Ads – A PDF file is preferred.
Inserts/Preprints – $50.00 per 1,000
Classified Ads – .20 cents per word, a phone number counts as a word.
Late Fee – A 1.5% late fee will be added monthly to all late/outstanding balances.

All ads should be submitted to Portland Anchor Editor Sherry Stewart at info@portlandanchor.com. For additional information or any questions, please contact Sherry.

Deadlines and Publishing Dates:

Delivery Date
February 2025JANUARY 22NDJan. 31st – Feb. 7th
March 2025FEBRUARY 19THFeb. 28th – Mar. 7th
April 2025MARCH 19THMar. 28th – Apr. 4th
May 2025APRIL 16THApr. 25th – May 2nd
June 2025MAY 21STMay 30th – Jun. 6th
July 2025JUNE 18THJun. 27th – Jul. 5th
August 2025JULY 16THJul. 25th – Aug. 1st
September 2025AUGUST 20THAug. 29th – Sep. 5th
October 2025SEPTEMBER 17THSep. 26th – Oct. 3rd
November 2025OCTOBER 22NDOct. 31st – Nov. 7th
December 2025NOVEMBER 12THNov. 21st – Dec. 3rd
January 2026DECEMBER 10THDec. 19th – Jan. 2nd
* Dates are subject to change if needed

Give Us Your Feedback

Thanks to the power of the internet we can now have our reader survey up and available for feedback 100% of the time! If you’d like to tell us what you enjoy about the Portland Anchor and/or how we can make it better, just follow the link on the button below and fill out the form: