Wildflower Clothing Swap

Showing off the day’s haul!

We were thrilled to partner up with our friends at Wildflowers Collective & Open Mic to host a clothing swap for both of our communities! For the day’s entirety museum visitors were given the opportunity to swap, or take for free, any item of used clothing from a huge, generous selection provided by Wildflower members. Some local Portland kids even got in on the fun, picking out some sweet shoes and a nice striped top as seen in the above photo!

It’s open season on fashion here at Portland Museum!

Alongside the clothing swap the day saw donation-based tarot card readings from the amazing Tigresse Bleu, and sale of local art from various Wildflower-adjacent creatives. Portland Museum wants to thank Wildflower and their team for bringing such a community-oriented and accessible event to our space! Until next time!