Magic Realism: Imagery by Mia Hanson

Part of the 2019 Louisville Photo Biennial

October 26 – November 30, 2019
Opening Reception:
Oct 26, 12-4 pm; free & open to the public

Evocative and timeless, the imagery of Mia Hanson inhabits a sense of place where ghosts and lonely poets reside. Hanson recently moved to Louisville’s Portland neighborhood after residing in New York City’s fabled Chelsea Hotel, where she created portraits “utilizing the light and charged energy of the hotel atmosphere while careful not to disturb or ‘document’ what is not entirely capable of being captured. The ghosts are best left alone.”

Magic Realism is Hanson’s first solo exhibition. Some of her past clients have included New York Black Book, Psychology Today, SOMA Magazine, Mellow Traumatic Recordings, and Random House Publishers. Her ethereal images have graced the covers of over a dozen Australian and British works of prose, and her photographs have been included in publications in Sweden, Ireland, and Germany.